Sunday, December 29, 2019

Substance Abuse - 1792 Words

Effects of substance abuse Substance abuse can simply be defined as a pattern of harmful use of any substance for mood-altering purposes. Medline s medical encyclopedia defines drug abuse as the use of illicit drugs or the abuse of prescription or over-the-counter drugs for purposes other than those for which they are indicated or in a manner or in quantities other than directed. Generally, when most people talk about substance abuse, they are referring to the use of illegal drugs. Most professionals in the field of drug abuse prevention argue that any use of illegal drugs is by definition abuse. Those drugs got to be illegal in the first place because they are potentially addictive or can cause severe negative health effects;†¦show more content†¦These programs are designed to reduce risk factors within a community by encouraging partnerships, by parents with children, by policymakers with parents, by educators with students and even by children with their peers. Children who belong to households in which a parent or family member is dependent on drugs are often encouraged by these prevention programs to make informed and independent decisions, serving to guard them against imitating the mistakes of such adults. Education Make sure that your local schools have programs in place to educate children about the risks posed by drugs and alcohol. You need to arm young people in your community with knowledge about the consequences of abusing drink and drugs. Talk to school staff about how they tackle the issue with students or perhaps set up a support group for parents to teach them how best to educate their children about the effects of substance abuse. Community Projects Talk to local government and churches about funding for youth clubs, art facilities and other activities to give local young people something to do in place of spending time on the streets drinking and taking drugs. In areas that suffer poor socio-economic conditions, young people often face a lack of stimulation as well as a lack of money which fosters a malaise and a lack of self respect. Support Groups Lobby for improved counseling services and treatment programs for those with substance abuseShow MoreRelatedDrug Abuse And Substance Abuse2025 Words   |  9 PagesDrug abuse is the recurrent use of illegal drugs, or the misuse of prescription or over the counter drugs with negative consequences. The two terms, drug abuse or substance abuse can be defined as the use of chemical substances that lead to an increased risk of problems and an inability to control the use of the substance. Although drug and substance abuse do differ from addiction it sometimes can be mistaken for one another. Addiction is a chronic, often relapsing brain disease that causes compulsiveRead MoreSubstance Abuse And The Active Substance Abuser1514 Words   |  7 Pagesmisadventures of the active substance abuser. Unfortunately, many people in this situation may feel alone and lost when it comes to the pathway to recovery. Not only for the addict or alcoholic, but a course of action that can give back some s emblance of control and peace to the spouse. Sadly, the odds are never in favor for either of the two parties involved; however, people determined to salvage their connection with a loved one may yet be able to do so. Substance abuse of a loved one can be a nearRead MoreSubstance Use Disorder And Substance Abuse997 Words   |  4 PagesSubstance use disorder is defined as being a pattern of maladaptive behaviors and reactions brought about by repeated use of a substance, sometimes also including tolerance for the substance and withdrawal reactions. (pg. 294). The individual I will be talking about for the project is someone that came to crave a particular substance and rely on it every day. Their choice to devote so much of their time to their substance caused issues between their family and friends. Both family and friends startedRead MoreSubstance And Substance Abuse Among Inmates2272 Words   |  10 PagesSubstance Abuse among Inmates Substance abuse can be a big problem in our criminal justice system when dealing with the number of inmates who go back to their illegal activity after being released from custody. In specific, inmates who are drug users/ abusers are to be expected to go back to drugs once they get out. Without treatment they do not have the tools, knowledge, or resources to stay clean on the outside when released. The biggest hazard for an ex-inmate in the community is getting backRead MoreThe Problem Of Substance Abuse942 Words   |  4 Pagesuse various assessment tools to determine potential disorders that may be the root to a problem. Though at times a client may seek counseling with a known substance abuse issue there are more cases where a client is oblivious to the potential contribution that substance abuse has on the problem that help is sought for. Understood that substance dependency is nondiscriminatory to age, gender, race or creed, a therapist approaches the matter with the client kno wing that a problem is recognized and thereRead MoreThe Effects Of Substance Abuse1111 Words   |  5 PagesOpiate abuse in the United States is an epidemic. It is argued whether addiction is being handled correctly, and if the amount of resources for combating addiction should be increased. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, â€Å"The number of past-year heroin users in the United States nearly doubled between 2005 and 2012, from 380,000 to 670,000† (2014). This nation-wide increase of heroin abusers leads to another issue: how to treat them. One method of treatment is giving them another medicationRead MoreThe Substance Abuse Social Worker1052 Words   |  5 PagesThe Substance Abuse Social Worker Social workers have long worked with people who abuse substances, beginning in the 1800’s with sobriety houses and inebriate asylums, to settlement houses in the profession’s beginnings to developing self-help, consumer-driven programs, designing inpatient detoxification programs, and to applying youth-oriented prevention and education programs. As an addictions counselor, the social worker is a part of a specialized profession that began with the wounded healerRead MoreModels in the Substance Abuse Field 1206 Words   |  5 PagesThe term substance refers to all psycho active substances –â€Å"any substances when taken by a living organism may modify its mood perception, cognition deportment or motor function,† (DSM-IV, 4th edition) whether it is legal or illegal. Substance abuse refers to the utilization of a drug or other substances for non-medical purposes with the aim of engendering a mind-altering effect in the utilizer (MOH, 2005). It involves the utilization of illegal substances such as cannabis, misuse of licit drugsRead MoreSubstance Abuse And Its Effects On Society Essay1579 Words   |  7 PagesAmerica’s silent killer, substance abuse. Substance abuse affects the user and everyone that they are around and most of the time the user doesn’t even realize nor care that it affects other people because they are consumed by the substances. These substances have the power to dramatically change people’s lives, such as the physical toll it takes on our body, the ways in which it corrupts our metal process, and the detrimental effects it has on our social lives. Most substances that are used in our societyRead MoreSubstance Abuse And Drug Therapy1101 Words   |  5 PagesA person who has a substance abuse and a mental health disorder are identified as having a co-occurring disorder. Patients with substance use and mental health share common ground, because they hold the philosophy that treatment of chronic illness requires a long-term approach in which stabilization, education, and self-management are central (Drake, Mercer-McFadden, Mueser, McHugo, Bond, 2016, p. 589). A counselor can help give resources (NA meetings being available in their community) as well

Friday, December 20, 2019

Marketing Strategies Of Nestle India For Chocolate...

MARKETING STRATEGIES OF NESTLE INDIA FOR CHOCOLATE PRODUCTS DECLARATION I hereby declare that the project work entitled â€Å"MARKETING STRATEGIES OF NESTLE INDIA FOR CHOCOLATE PRODUCTS† submitted by me for the partial fulfilment of the requirement of summer project. It is own original work and has not been submitted earlier either to any university or to any other Institution for the fulfilment of the requirement for any course of study. I also declare that no content of this project, in whole or in part is lifted and incorporated in this report from any earlier / other work done by me or others. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The completion of this project gives me an opportunity to convey our regards to all those who helped me to reach a stage where I have the confidence to launch my career in the competitive world of management. I take this opportunity to express my heart felt gratitude to Nestle India Ltd., for providing this opportunity to complete my summer training for Amity University. Their guidance made me in tune with corporate world. Their team of efficient colleagues extended full support and cooperation. I am also thankful to my faculty guide for her valuable guidance and support at all time. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION LITERATURE REVIEW AND PROBLEM FORMUALTION COMPANY PROFILE †¢ Industrial Scenario †¢ Historical Highlights †¢ Major Products †¢ Marketing Strategies †¢ Distribution network †¢ Brand Loyalty †¢ MarketShow MoreRelatedThe Objective Of Nestle India Essay1445 Words   |  6 PagesOBJECTIVE OF NESTLE INDIA Nestle’s main goal is to be the head in Nutrition Condition and Wellness, and WE recognized in the industry for commercial presentation, and be trusted by all stakeholders. It is extremely well trusted that association is not just concerning size; it is additionally concerning behaviour. Trust, too, is concerning behaviour; and it knows that belief is received merely above a long era of period by consistently carrying on their promises. These goals and behaviours areRead MoreMarketing Strategy of Nestle vs Cadbury1313 Words   |  6 PagesASSIGNMENT ON MARKETING STRATEGY OF NESTLE VS CADBURY (COMPARATIVE) [pic] PRESENTED BY: SWATI SAXENA SWATI SINGH URVASHI DUBEY TASMIYA Group:33 MANAGEMET OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SHRI RAMSWAROOP GROUP OF PROFESSIONAL COLLEGES What is marketing strategy? Marketing strategy  is defined by  David Aaker  as a process that can allow an organizationRead MoreNestle s Marketing Strategies For Nestle1091 Words   |  5 PagesNestle S.A. is a Swiss food and drink company. It has been the world’s largest food company measured by the revenues and other metrics, for the years 2014, 2015, and 2016. Nestle was ranked 72 on the Fortune Global 500 in 2014 and it was ranked 33 on the 2016 edition of the Forbes Global 2000 list of largest public companies. Nestle s products include baby food, medical food, breakfast cereals, tea and coffee, confectionery, bottled water, dairy products, ice cream, pet foods, snacks and frozenRead MoreThe Multinational Company Nestle : The Biggest Fmcg Company Of The World1701 Words   |  7 Pagessome of the issues that make the international marketing very hard (Hofstede, 2003). The aim of this project is to highlight the issues that occur due to differences of culture and designing and implementation of marketing strategies when organizations are operating in different countries. For this project I have chosen the multinational company Nestle; the biggest FMCG company in the world. Nestle is a well-known company that provide quality of products according to the lifestyle, religious beliefRead MoreNestle vs Cadbury5506 Words   |  23 Pages2 NESTLE vs CADBURY An Evaluation of the Marketing Mix of Nestle and Cadbury Submitted to: Ms Shalini Gupta Submitted by: Chaitanya Hiremath Roll no - 370 2012 Shaheed Bhagat Singh College (Delhi University) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I, a student of Shaheed Bhagat Singh College make a humble attempt to present my research project. It gives me immense pleasure to thank and extend my gratitude to Ms Shalini Gupta for extending her valuable time and continuous support in completing this project. I alsoRead MoreMarket Research on Chocolates4298 Words   |  18 PagesDATE :- 08/09/2008 CHOCOLATE MARKET ANALYSIS NAME :- ARCHANA MANI ROLL NO :- 03 CLASS :- MMS 2008-10 DIVISION :- A NO. 1. 2. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION PESTND ANALYSIS 2.1 EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT 2.2 DEMOGRAPHICS 2.3 SOCIO-CULTURAL 2.4 TECHNOLOGICAL 2.5 LEGAL BIG PLAYERS 3.1 NESTLE INDIA LTD 3.2 SWOT ANALYSIS 3.3 CADBURY INDIA LTD 3.4 SWOT ANALYSIS AMUL LTD CADBURY NESTLE ANALYSIS 5.1 STRATEGY 5.2 MARKET COMPETITION 5.3 GENERIC COMPETITION 5.4 STRATEGIES TO KILL FAKE BRANDS PRICING TARGETRead MoreUnilever V Nestle1235 Words   |  5 Pagesoperate in a global market place and to develop appropriate strategies. A global strategy is an organisational plan that takes into account these new global realities. Both Nestle and Unilever have developed global distribution and marketing networks, based on their powerbrands i.e. market leading brands that are recognisable in nearly every country in the world. Both Nestle and Unilever have many powerbrands. Key aspects of global strategy include: 1. Treating the global market as the domesticRead MoreMarketing Strategy : A Competitive Advantage1712 Words   |  7 PagesThe marketing strategy pursued by a company is dictated by many factors, including size, product category, competition, and organizational structure. Strategy as defined in the text is â€Å"a planned set of actions employed to make best use of a companies core competencies to gain a competitive advantage†. (1) Implementing a successful internationalization business strategy is not confined to large MNEs, increasingly small to medium enterprises find them selves operating in a global market. A businessRead MoreChocolate Industry in India10906 Words   |  44 PagesAn Analytical Study of Chocolate Industry in India with Special Reference to Cadburys India is a sweet CHOCOLATE story of chocolates in the hot and humid plains of INDIA, which enlightens us about the size status of chocolate industry in India. The project gives information about the competitors, their market share, and their product basket and highlights success features. The project also presents data on types categories of chocolates, a brief study of chocolate manufacturing process TheRead MoreMarketing 4ps1314 Words   |  6 PagesFundamental Of Marketing MKT 243 INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT(NESTLE MILO) NAME : SHAHRUL IZANY BIN SHAHIR MATRIX NO : 2010486584 GROUP : J3BM1112B LECTURER : MISS NOR FAZLIN BINTI UTEH INTRODUCTION | 1 | PRODUCT | 2 | PRICING | 3 | PLACE | 4 | PROMOTION | 5-6 | INTRODUCTION Nestlà © began in Malaysia in 1912 as the Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company in Penang and later, growth and expansion made a move to Kuala Lumpur necessary in 1939. Since 1962

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Voting Discrimination free essay sample

This paper looks at the factors which led to the abolishment of slavery and climaxed in the institution of voting rights for all. This paper gives a complete overview of the factors which led to the abolishment of slavery, including a comparison of attitudes between the North and the South and how this affected the process of change with the ultimate change being voting rights for all. From the paper: While the growing unrest in this country that lead eventually to the Civil War included a number of conflicts and demands from various areas across the United States, the majority of the unrest was focused upon one central issue: Slavery. People living in the North and the West were seeking free farms for settlers, federal aid for roads and other improvements, along with protective industrial tariffs. They were also embracing a growing political opinion that America?s Founding Fathers were opposed to slavery. We will write a custom essay sample on Voting Discrimination or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page