Thursday, January 30, 2020

Condoms in Schools Essay Example for Free

Condoms in Schools Essay Should condoms be distributed among high schools? The answer to that very controversial subject is yes. Yes condoms should be distributed among the students. The question is controversial due to the main subject it discusses: sex. Some schools today are distributing birth control items to promote the thoughts and ideas of safe sex. Many also believe that along with condom distribution, there should be an availability of other methods of birth control, promotion of abstinence, and information for students on what being safe really means. Alternatively the critics of condom distribution suggest that there should be abstinence only education on this issue. Sex education in this context would encourage the young individuals to abstain from sexual activity in order to avoid pregnancy and diseases In today’s society, high schools should distribute condoms to students. This issue of condoms in schools is a growing concern because of increasing rates of sexual behavior, earlier onset of sexual activity, teenage pregnancy, and the spreading of STDs and HIV. It is important to educate teenagers about the use of condoms and how it prevents the spread of HIV, AIDS, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, and pregnancy. Teenagers need to know that having unprotected sex puts them at risk of coming in contact with diseases that they can spread to others. Each year there are many unwanted babies born, or even worse aborted in this country. Many which are born to young people with little or no education about condom use and sex. With a little education about condom use and safe sex many of these unnecessary pregnancies could be prevented. Many parents do not educate their children about sex; therefore the burden usually falls on the schools. Condoms should definitely be readily available in the school system, along with a Sex Education program that includes how and why to use condoms properly. When young people are educated about condoms and the risk of pregnancy then they are more likely to use a condom. A lot of young people are getting bad myths and taboos from their friends and the media. Having the school really tell them about sex and what can really happen will help. Having condoms available in the school will allow students to have them their so they don’t have to worry about being embarrassed for walking in a store to buy them or ask their parents for them. More and more teens are getting pregnant as a result of not using a condom. Lots of teens believe in the â€Å"pull out† method, but they fail to realize that it will not work every time. Teens need to be educated properly and stop depending on tv and magazines to learn about sex. Many adults think that to provide condoms in school will only push student to have sex however, to have condoms available at high schools does not influence teenagers to have sex but shows them that if they are ready to have sex that condoms are always a must. If a girl or boy really wants to have sex then they are going to do it regardless of if there are condoms available to them. People believe that teaching abstinence will sway kids away from wanting to having sex. They believe that it you don’t show teens anything sexual then they won’t want to engage in sexual behavior but that it the total opposite. It will only make teens more curious about sex. If you tell them the facts up front then they will have all the facts and know all their risk. They will be able to decide for themselves whether sex is right for them or not. Having condoms there and ready for them if or when they make the decision to have sex is great. No teen should get pregnant their first time because someone convinced them that they can’ t get pregnant their first time having sex. Ignorance is leading teens to make bad decisions. Providing condoms to students are actually the morally realistic action to follow, educators do not have to encourage sex but they can motivate students to make wise choices when they decide to have sex. Believe it or not it is wise to know that some young individuals, regardless of the abstinence messages will have sex, in such cases such condom distribution is the better option. Also, providing access to birth control empowers women of today, giving them more control over their body. Historically women have suffered more due to the restrictive policies related to reproduction like abortion laws. Guys however do not have to face the consequences of their actions as much. Hence distribution of condoms boosts the responsibility of men and enlarges the choices for young girls. Giving young girls the choice of birth control can help them feel more prepared for sex. There are so many different birth controls available for girls to choose from. They can opt to take the pill or receive a shot or even get a patch to release birth control medication. It can make the girl feel better if she thinks that she has a say so in whether she gets pregnant or not instead of strictly depending on the guy to wear a condom. However, the use of birth control can go against the catholic religion. Most catholic communities choose not to put their daughters on birth control because it is against their beliefs. In my opinion, Why would you want to not give your daughter the choice of being protected. Would you rather want a daughter on birth control or a pregnant daughter? Although, getting pregnant is not the best situation, not wearing a condom can also pose a threat of catching a STD. More and more teens are coming in contact with STIs and STDs. Although some are easily treatable, there are some that can stick with you your whole life. AIDS and HIV are rising amounts young adults because of lack of protection. Even though most people think that you can only catch and STD through multiple sexual partners, some young teens catch STDs the first time they have sex because they think they know their boyfriend or girlfriend. Some people with STIs and STDs don’t even experience symptoms so how are you to know if they have caught something or not? Teens need to know they are always at risk if they do not wear a condom during sexual intercourse. It will be great for schools to have condoms on hand for teens to get whenever they need. Teens may joke or laugh around about condoms but in their mind they know that they will be protected.

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